Code Docs


class yolov3.src.InputFile.InputFile(inputfile)[source]

Class for packaging all input/config file options together.


There are separate options required by InputFile depending on whether the intended goal is training or testing. The user must declare on the first line of the InputFile either [TRAIN] or [TEST], depending on their desired objective.


inputfilename : string
String specifying the desired inputfile name.

Train Options

Below are a list of options that must be specified in an inputfile of type [TRAIN]:

option type description
loaddir string
  • Full path to load directory.
  • Any pre-trained YOLOv3 PyTorch file (.pt) goes here
outdir string
  • Full path to output directory.
targetspath string
  • Full path to target file.
  • Supported formats: .geojson
  • [See notes below]
targetfiletype string
  • Type of target file.
  • Supported options: json
traindir string
  • Full path to training image dataset
  • Supported image types: .tif, .bmp
  • [See notes below]
epochs int
  • Number of training epochs.
epochstart int
  • Starting epoch.
batchsize int
  • Training batch size.
networkcfg string
  • Full path to YOLOv3 network architecture file.
  • Base template in yolov3/cfg/yolov3_template.cfg
  • [See notes below]
imgsize int
  • Base image chip size.
  • Must be multiple of 32
resume bool
  • Specifies whether training is resuming from previous training.
invalid_class_list string
  • .csv list of classes to be ignored from training data.
  • [See notes below]
boundingboxclusters int
  • Desired number of bounding-box clusters for the YOLO architecture.
computeboundingboxclusters bool
  • Specifies whether to compute bounding box clusters.
class_path string
  • Full path to class names/labels file.
  • [See notes below]
sampling_weight string
  • String specifying type of sampling weight.
  • Options are inverse_class_frequency and uniform
  • [See notes below]

Notes on [TRAIN] options above:

  1. traindir : If .tif images are used in the training data directory, then a .bmp copy is produced to be used in training.

  2. targetspath : Currently, the target metadata file must be formatted in .json format, similar to the xView .geojson format. Most important is that the target file must be compatible with the yolov3.utils.get_labels_geojson( ) function, which provides the implementation for retrieving object coordinates, corresponding filenames, and classes. Please consult the documentation for that function for further details.

  3. networkcfg : You have two options here: you may provide a complete YOLOv3 architecture file, or provide a network template file and request that the software precompute the architecture for you, prior to training. We strongly recommend the latter option. To do this, provide the full filepath to the generic template file located in yolov3/cfg/yolov3_template.cfg, set computeboundingboxclusters = True in the inputfile, and provide the desired number of bounding box clusters (i.e. YOLO anchors) in the boundingboxclusters argument of the inputfile. This will tell the software to precompute bounding box priors (anchors) for the training dataset, and a custom architecture file will be calculated and outputted to yolov3/cfg/yolov3_custom.cfg, which may be used later in detection/testing.

  4. invalid_class_list : This option was added to give the user the ability to specify a list of classes referred to in the targetspath metadata file that either are not present or need to be excluded from the training dataset. For example, the xView dataset makes reference to classes 75 and 82 in the .geojson target file, but these are None classes. If there are no “invalid” classes in your target metadata file, then simply leave this option blank.

  5. class_path : This file is a comma-separated list of all classes and any associated numeric labels. For example, the xView dataset contains 60 classes, with associated labels ranging from 11 to 94. Thus, the class_path file for the xView dataset would be a 60-line .csv file that would look as follows:

    Fixed-wing Aircraft , 11
    Small Aircraft , 12
    Cargo Plane , 13
    Tower , 94
  6. sampling_weight : This option sets how images are weighted for random selection at runtime during the training routine. Options are inverse_class_frequency and uniform. The former weights an image by the sum of the inverse of the class frequencies of all its objects; the latter weights all images uniformly.

Test Options

Below are a list of options that must be specified in an inputfile of type [TEST]:

option data type meaning
loaddir string
  • Full path to load directory.
outdir string
  • Full path to output directory.
targetspath string
  • Full path to target file.
  • Only needed for scoring the object detections.
targetfiletype string
  • Type of target file.
  • Supported options: json
imagepath string
  • Full path to directory containing images.
plot_flag bool
  • Flag to indicate whether to plot and output object detections.
  • [See notes below]
networkcfg string
  • Full path to network architecture file.
  • [See notes below]
networksavefile string
  • Full path to trained YOLOv3 network file.
  • [See notes below]
class_path string
  • Full path to .csv file containing list of classes/labels.
conf_thres float
  • Confidence threshold for detection.
cls_thres float
  • Class threshold for detection.
nms_thres float
  • NMS threshold.
batch_size int
  • Batch size.
imgsize int
  • Desired chip size.
rgb_mean string
  • Full path to dataset RGB mean file.
  • [See notes below]
rgb_std string
  • Full path to dataset RGB standard deviation file.
  • [See notes below]
class_mean string
  • Full path to class mean file.
  • [See notes below]
class_sigma string
  • Full path to class standard deviation file.
  • [See notes below]
invalid_class_list string
  • Comma-separated list of classes to be ignored from training data.

Notes on the testing inputfile:

  1. targetspath , invalid_class_list , imgsize , class_path : Same notes apply as in the training case above.
  2. imagepath : This option sets the full filepath to the location on your machine where your test dataset resides. There should be nothing in this directory except the test image files. Currently supported image files are .tif and .bmp.
  3. networkcfg : This option specifies the full filepath to a trained YOLOv3 configuration file. If you used the recommended input to this option in the training stage, then the code will have produced this file for you, saved as cfg/yolov3_custom.cfg. Otherwise, you will have to fill in the YOLO anchors yourself directly into a copy of the template file.
  4. networksavefile : This option specifies the full filepath to the PyTorch savefile (.pt extension) that contains all weights for the trained network.
  5. rgb_mean , rgb_std : These files contain RGB statistics that were computed on the training dataset by the training routine. Each of them is simply a 3-line file, where each line contains a single numeric value that is the mean (or standard deviation) of the respective RGB channel. These values are used to normalize any data that is fed into the network.
  6. class_mean , class_std : These files contain class statistics that were computed on the training dataset by the training routine. Each of these files contains N-lines, where N is the number of classes, and each line contains a comma-separated list of 4 values, corresponding to the mean (or standard deviation) of the width, height, area, and aspect ratio (in that order) of the respective class objects. These statistics are used as prior information to reduce false positives in the object detection stage.
  7. plot_flag : This option specifies whether you would like to score the object detections that are calculated.


To use this class, follow this interface:

input_file_object = InputFile('/full/path/to/input_file.dat')

For the [TRAIN] case, here is an example of what input_file.dat might contain:

loaddir          = /full/path/to/loaddir/
outdir           = /full/path/to/outdir/
targetspath      = /full/path/to/targetsdir/xView_train.geojson
targetfiletype   = json
traindir         = /full/path/to/traindir/
epochs           = 300
epochstart       = 0
batchsize        = 8
networkcfg       = /full/path/to/networkdir/yolov3_template.cfg
imgsize          = 800
resume           = False
invalid_class_list         = 75,82
boundingboxclusters        = 30
computeboundingboxclusters = False
class_path       = /full/path/to/xview_names_and_labels.csv
sampling_weight  = inverse_class_frequency

For the [TEST] case, here is an example of what input_file.dat might contain:

loaddir              = /full/path/to/loaddir/
outdir               = /full/path/to/outdir/
targetspath          = /full/path/to/targetdir/xView_train.geojson
targetfiletype       = json
imagepath            = /full/path/to/testdir/
plot_flag            = True
networkcfg           = /full/path/to/networksavedir/yolov3_custom.cfg
networksavefile      = /full/path/to/networksavedir/
class_path           = /full/path/to/classpathdir/xview_names_and_labels.csv
conf_thres           = 0.99
cls_thres            = 0.05
nms_thres            = 0.4
batch_size           = 1
imgsize              = 1632
rgb_mean             = /full/path/to/statdir/training_rgb_mean.out
rgb_std              = /full/path/to/statdir/training_rgb_std.out
class_mean           = /full/path/to/statdir/training_class_mean.out
class_sigma          = /full/path/to/statdir/training_class_sigma.out
invalid_class_list   = 75,82

Method to print all config options.

class yolov3.src.models.Darknet(networkcfg, imgsize)[source]

YOLOv3 object detection model. This class, the modules that comprise its architecture, and its interface are inherited from torch.nn.Module.


networkcfg : string
Absolute path to YOLOv3 network architecture file.
imgsize : int
Desired cropped image size

Member Variables

losses : dict, only created if in training mode

Dictionary containing quantities on training loss

key meaning
‘loss’ total value of training loss.
‘x’ bounding box x-position loss.
‘y’ bounding box y-position loss.
‘w’ bounding box width loss.
‘h’ bounding box height loss.
‘conf’ objectness confidence loss.
‘cls’ object classification loss.
‘nGT’ number of ground truths.
‘TP’ number of true positives.
‘FP’ number of false positives.
‘FN’ number of false negatives.
‘FPe’ number of false positives in each class.


Here is an example of how this class may be instantiated:

networkcfg = '/full/path/to/network_cfg_file.dat'
imgsize    = 800
darknet    = Darknet(networkcfg, imgsize)

network_cfg_file.dat is a configuration file that specifies a valid YOLOv3 architecture. Please consult the cfg/ subdirectory of the main project repo for examples.

The interface to forward-pass an image through the network uses the recipe implemented in the forward() routine and takes an image as input and returns the network output as a result:

output = darknet(image)

If you are training this network, you would also provide corresponding image targets, and possibly other inputs defined in the forward method:

output = darknet(image,target)

Typically, the images/targets are provided by a dataloader like ListDataset that produces iterable pairs of images/targets, which would look like this:

for i , (image_i , target_i) in enumerate(dataloader):
    output_i = darknet(image_i,target_i)

During training, a detection loss would be calculated in the YOLOLayer submodules and stored as the losses dictionary member, whose members may be accessed directly, e.g.:

total_loss = darknet.losses['loss']

Other functionality is inherited directly from the torch.nn.Module module of PyTorch, so consult those documents for assistance in using it.

forward(x, targets=None, requestPrecision=False, weight=None, epoch=None)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

class yolov3.src.models.EmptyLayer[source]

Placeholder for ‘route’ and ‘shortcut’ layers

class yolov3.src.models.YOLOLayer(anchors, nC, img_dim, anchor_idxs)[source]
forward(p, targets=None, requestPrecision=False, weight=None, epoch=None)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.


Constructs module list of layer blocks from module configuration in module_defs

yolov3.src.models.create_yolo_architecture(inputs, n_classes, anchor_coordinates)[source]

Creates a yolo-v3 layer configuration file from desired options


inputs : InputFile object
Specifies some necessary user options.
n_classes : int
Specifies number of classes in the dataset
anchor_coordinates : list<double>
List of doubles of form [x1,y1,x2,y2, … , xN,yN] where N = number of anchors and (xi,yi) are the i’th anchor coordinates.


output_config_file_path : string
Absolute filepath of the network config file created by this function
yolov3.src.models.create_yolo_config_file(template_file_path, output_config_file_path, n_anchors, n_classes, anchor_coordinates)[source]

Creates a yolo-v3 layer configuration file from desired options


Parses the yolo-v3 layer configuration file and returns module definitions


Reads the anchor coordinates from a specified YOLO configuration file

class yolov3.src.NetworkTester.NetworkTester(model, dataloader, inputs)[source]

Class for handling testing and assessing the performance of a trained YOLOv3 model. | Inputs: | model: trained YOLOv3 network (PyTorch .pt file). | dataloader: dataloader object (usually an instantiation of the ImageFolder class) | inputs: input file with various user-specified options


Method to compute object detections over testing dataset


Method to load class names from specified path in user-input file. Format assumed shall be a csv list of (class_name , class_label)_i


Method to load a saved YOLOv3 model from a PyTorch (.pt) file.


Method to plot and display all detected objects in the testing dataset


Basic method to setup GPU/cuda support, if available

class yolov3.src.targets.Target.Target(inputs)[source]

Class for handling target pre-processing tasks.


Method to apply mask to filtered data variables.

Method to compute bounding box clusters using kmeans.
n_clusters: number of desired kmeans clusters

Method to compute class weights from filtered data. Weight is simply inverse of class frequency.


Method to crop image data based on the width and height. Filtered variables are then computed based on the updated image coordinates.


Method to compute filtered data by applying several filtering operations.


Method to compute filtered variables from filtered coordinates.


Method to compute filtered variables from filtered xy.


Method to compute image weights from filtered data. Weight for a given image is the sum of the class weights for each of the objects present in that given image.


Method to count the number of chips that exist in the target metadata file, but not in the actual database. Returns: number of nonexistent objects, and number of nonexistent files


Method to detect all instances in database of a chip that does not exist

edge_requirements(w_lim, h_lim, x2_lim, y2_lim)[source]

Method to compute filtering based on edge specifications.

w_lim: limit for image width
h_lim: limit for image height
x2_lim: limit for image x2
y2_lim: limit for image y2
indices where filtered variables satisfy the dimension requirements.

Method to load a targetfile of type specified in the input file. Supported types: .json.

manual_dimension_requirements(area_lim, w_lim, h_lim, AR_lim)[source]

Method to compute filtering based on specified dimension requirements.

area_lim: limit for image area
w_lim: limit for image width
h_lim: limit for image height
AR_lim: limit for image aspect ratio
indices where filtered variables satisfy the dimension requirements.

Method to output data needed for the ListDataset dataloader.


object_data : list
list containing three pieces of data on all objects: [filtered_chips,filtered_coords,filtered_classes]
class_weights : array
array containing the weights for each class
image_weights : array
array containing the weights for each image
files : list
list of all files

Method to perform all target processing.


Method to read in the user-provided list of class names and associated numeric labels.


Method to remove all nonexistent chips from database


Method to set width and height of images associated with targets.


Method to compute a mask based on a sigma rejection criterion.

filtered_data: data to which sigma rejection is applied and from which mask is computed
mask_reject: binary mask computed from sigma rejection

Method to strip numbers from image filenames from both chips and files.

yolov3.src.targets.fcn_sigma_rejection.fcn_sigma_rejection(x, srl=3, ni=3)[source]

Function to perform sigma rejection on a dataset.

x: dataset
srl: desired cutoff number of standard deviations for rejection
ni: desired number of iterations
x: dataset with outliers removed
inliers: indices of inliers w.r.t. original dataset
yolov3.src.targets.per_class_stats.per_class_stats(classes, w, h)[source]

Function to calculate statistics of target data.

classes: target data processed/produced with the Target class
w: image width
h: image height
class_mu: mean of target classes
class_sigma: standard deviation of target classes
class_cov: covariance of target classes
class yolov3.src.datasets.datasets.ListDataset(inputs, object_data, class_weights, image_weights, files)[source]

Image dataset class for training


inputs : InputFile
InputFile object containing user-specified config options
object_data : list
list containing three pieces of data on all objects: [chips,coords,classes]
class_weights : array
array containing the weights for each class
image_weights : array
array containing the weights for each image
files : list
list of all files

Function to compute rgb statistics of a given dataset. Uses a two-pass sequential algorithm.

dataloader_files: list of absolute paths of all dataset files
(mean_rgb,std_rgb): mean and standard deviation of RGB channels of dataset

Function to compute rgb statistics of a given dataset. Loads all data into memory and computes statistics in one-shot.

dataloader_files: list of absolute paths of all dataset files
(mean_rgb,std_rgb): mean and standard deviation of RGB channels of dataset

Function to perform HSV augmentation (by a random factor of +/- 50%)

img0: dataset image loaded by OpenCV
img: transformed image
yolov3.src.datasets.datasetTransformations.pickRandomPoints(pts, img0, height, M, img1)[source]

Function to select random points of a specified chip size from a specified transformed image

pts: number of desired random points
img0: dataset image loaded by OpenCV
height: desired chip size
M: random affine transformation to use (calculated with random_affine)
img1: transformed version of img0 (calculated with random_affine applied to img0)
r: random points from specified image img0, transformed with the same random affine mapping used to take img0 to img1
yolov3.src.datasets.datasetTransformations.random_affine(img, targets=None, degrees=(-10, 10), translate=(0.1, 0.1), scale=(0.9, 1.1), shear=(-3, 3), borderValue=(0, 0, 0))[source]

Function to performs a random affine transformation on a specified image/target combination. See for a general discussion.

img: dataset image loaded by OpenCV
targets: a target from a ListDataset object
degrees: min/max range of possible degrees of rotation
translate: max possible values for scaling, specified as a percentage of the vertical and horizontal dimensions of img
scale: min/max range of possible values for scaling (specified such that no scaling = 1)
shear: min/max range of possible values of degrees for shearing
borderValue: triplet specifying fill values for image borders
imw: transformed image
targets: transformed targets (if targets is not None)
M: affine transformation used (if targets is not None)
yolov3.src.datasets.datasetTransformations.resize_square(img, height=416, color=(0, 0, 0))[source]

Function to resize a rectangular image to a padded square

img: dataset image loaded by OpenCV
height: desired image height
color: triplet specifying fill values for image borders
img: transformed image

Utility methods for computing the performance metrics.

yolov3.src.scoring.evaluation.compute_average_precision_recall(groundtruth_coordinates, coordinates, iou_threshold)[source]

Computes the average precision (AP) and average recall (AR).

groundtruth_info_dict: the groundtruth_info_dict holds all the groundtruth

information for an evaluation dataset. The format of this groundtruth_info_dict is as follows: {‘image_id_0’:

[xmin_0,ymin_0,xmax_0,ymax_0,…,xmin_N0,ymin_N0,xmax_N0,ymax_N0], …, ‘image_id_M’: [xmin_0,ymin_0,xmax_0,ymax_0,…,xmin_NM,ymin_NM,xmax_NM,ymax_NM]},

image_id_* is an image_id that has the groundtruth rectangles labeled. xmin_*,ymin_*,xmax_*,ymax_* is the top-left and bottom-right corners

of one groundtruth rectangle.
test_info_dict: the test_info_dict holds all the test information for an
evaluation dataset.
The format of this test_info_dict is the same

as the above groundtruth_info_dict.

iou_threshold_range: the IOU threshold range to compute the average
precision (AP) and average recall (AR). For example: iou_threshold_range = [0.50:0.05:0.95]
average_precision, average_recall, as well as the precision_recall_dict, where precision_recall_dict holds the full precision/recall information for each of the iou_threshold in the iou_threshold_range.
ValueError: if the input groundtruth_info_dict and test_info_dict show inconsistent information.

Computes the average precision (AP) and average recall (AR).

precision_recall_dict: the precision_recall_dict holds the dictionary of precision and recall information returned by the compute_precision_recall_given_image_statistics_list method, which is calcualted under a range of iou_thresholds, where the iou_threshold is the key.
average_precision, average_recall.
yolov3.src.scoring.evaluation.compute_precision_recall_given_image_statistics_list(iou_threshold, image_statistics_list)[source]

Computes the precision recall numbers given iou_threshold and statistics.

iou_threshold: the iou_threshold under which the statistics are computed. image_statistics_list: a list of the statistics computed and returned by the compute_statistics_given_rectangle_matches method for a list of images.
A dictionary holding the precision, recall as well as the inputs.
yolov3.src.scoring.evaluation.compute_statistics_given_rectangle_matches(groundtruth_rects_matched, rects_matched)[source]

Computes the staticstics given the groundtruth_rects and rects matches.


image_id: the image_id referring to the image to be evaluated. groundtruth_rects_matched: the groundtruth_rects_matched represents

a list of integers returned from the Matching class instance to indicate the matched rectangle indices from rects for each of the groundtruth_rects.
rects_matched: the rects_matched represents a list of integers returned
from the Matching class instance to indicate the matched rectangle indices from groundtruth_rects for each of the rects.
A dictionary holding the computed statistics as well as the inputs.

Converts the coordinates in a list to the Rectangle list.

yolov3.src.scoring.evaluation.safe_divide(numerator, denominator)[source]

Computes the safe division to avoid the divide by zero problem.

Copyright 2018 Defense Innovation Unit Experimental All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

class yolov3.src.scoring.matching.Matching(groundtruth_rects, rects)[source]

Matching class.

yolov3.src.scoring.matching.cartesian(arrays, out=None)[source]

Generate a cartesian product of input arrays.

arrays : list of array-like
1-D arrays to form the cartesian product of.
out : ndarray
Array to place the cartesian product in.
out : ndarray
2-D array of shape (M, len(arrays)) containing cartesian products formed of input arrays.

Copyright 2018 Defense Innovation Unit Experimental All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

class yolov3.src.scoring.rectangle.Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)[source]

Rectangle class.


Returns the area of the Rectangle instance.

contains(x, y)[source]

Tests if a point is inside or on any of the edges of the rectangle.


Returns the height of the Rectangle instance.


Returns the intersection of this rectangle with the other rectangle.


Returns the intersection over union ratio of this and other rectangle.


Tests if this rectangle has an intersection with another rectangle.


Determines if the Rectangle instance is valid or not.


Returns the width of the Rectangle instance.

yolov3.src.scoring.score.score(opt, iou_threshold=0.5)[source]

Compute metrics on a number of prediction files, given a folder of prediction files and a ground truth. Primary metric is mean average precision (mAP).


opt : InputFile
InputFile member specifying all user options.


Prediction files in opt.outdir will have filename format ‘XYZ.tif.txt’, where ‘XYZ.tif’ is the .tif file used for prediction. Prediction files should be in space-delimited csv format; each line appears as: (xmin ymin xmax ymax class_prediction score_prediction).

iou_threshold : float
iou threshold (between 0 and 1) indicating the percentage iou required to count a prediction as a true positive


opt.outdir/metrics.txt : text file
contains the scoring metrics in per-line format (metric/class_num: score_float)


Raised if there are files in the prediction folder that are not in the ground truth file. For example, a prediction file is titled ‘15.tif.txt’, but the file ‘15.tif’ is not in the ground truth.
class yolov3.src.scoring.scoringfunctions.ScoringData[source]

Structure to package various intermediate data/calculations together for scoring purposes.

yolov3.src.scoring.scoringfunctions.ap_from_pr(p, r)[source]

Calculates AP from precision and recall values as specified in the PASCAL VOC devkit.

p: an array of precision values r: an array of recall values
An average precision value

Converts a list of coordinates to a list of rectangles

coordinates: a flattened list of bounding box coordinates in format
A list of rectangles



Function to determine the common and rare classes in a dataset using 2-means.


Function to determine the number of elements in each class of a dataset.


Function to determine the small/medium/large size classes in a dataset using 3-means.


Processes a WorldView3 GEOJSON file

fname: filepath to the GeoJson file.
Bounding box coordinate array, Chip-name array, and Classes array

Function to check that only a single GPU is being used. Currently, all software must be run with a single GPU only, so this routine does a simple assert check on the environment variable that ensures this.

yolov3.utils.utils.bbox_iou(box1, box2, x1y1x2y2=True)[source]

Returns the IoU of two bounding boxes

yolov3.utils.utils.build_targets(pred_boxes, pred_conf, pred_cls, target, anchor_wh, nA, nC, nG, requestPrecision)[source]

returns nGT, nCorrect, tx, ty, tw, th, tconf, tcls

yolov3.utils.utils.compute_ap(recall, precision)[source]

Compute the average precision, given the recall and precision curves. Code originally from # Arguments

recall: The recall curve (list). precision: The precision curve (list).
# Returns
The average precision as computed in py-faster-rcnn.
yolov3.utils.utils.convert_class_labels_to_indices(class_labels, unique_class_labels)[source]

Function that takes a list of N class labels and the list of all M<N unique class labels and returns a list of size N, where each entry is the index of the corresponding label in the list of unique class labels. For example, given class_labels = [34,89,34,34,11] and unique_class_labels = [11,34,89], the output = [1,2,1,1,0].


Function to convert .tif –> .bmp

p: Absolute path to the dataset directory

Loads class labels at ‘xview_names_and_labels_filepath’ Format shall be assumed to be csv where one line is (name , label)_i


Function to read a .bmp dataset. If the provided directory does not contain .bmp files, a conversion is attempted.

path: Absolute path to the dataset directory

This function takes a list of N elements with M<N unique labels, and relabels them such that the labels are 0,1,…,M-1. Note that this function assumes that all class labels of interest appear at least once in classes.

classes: N-list of original class indices.
classes_zeroed: N-list of classes relabeled such that the labels are 0…M-1
e.g., [5,9,7,12,7,9] –> [0,2,1,3,1,2]


class yolov3.tests.unittests.DataProcessingTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class for all data processing unit tests.


Basic setup method. Note that ResourceWarnings and DeprecationWarnings are ignored.


Test loading of dataset filenames.


Test loading sizes of dataset images.


Test loading of geojson formatted data.


Test functionality to strip image number from image filename.

class yolov3.tests.unittests.GPUtests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class for all GPU/cuda unit tests.


Basic setup method. Note that ResourceWarnings and DeprecationWarnings are ignored.


Test whether cuda is available.


Test that cuda version is >= 9.


Test that GPU hardware is available.

class yolov3.tests.unittests.ModelsTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class for all models-involved unit tests.


Basic setup method. Note that ResourceWarnings and DeprecationWarnings are ignored.


Test functionality to create custom YOLOv3 config file from a template.

class yolov3.tests.unittests.TargetTests(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class for all target-involved unit tests.


Basic setup method. Note that ResourceWarnings and DeprecationWarnings are ignored.


Test mask application to filtered data method.


Test area requirements method.


Test bounding box cluster computation method.


Test functionality for cropping targets.


Test class weight computation method.


Test functionality for computing target coordinate area.


Test functionality for computing edge requirements on target data.


Test functionality for computing sigma rejection.


Test invalid class requirement method.


Test functionality for loading target data (.json file).


Test functionality for imposing manual dimensions requirements on target data.


Test nan/inf/size requirements method.


Test per_class_stats function.


Test functionality for computing sigma rejection indices.


Test functionality for target coordinate parsing.



Main driver script for training the YOLOv3 network.


args : command line arguments
Command line arguments used in shell call for this main driver script. args must have a inputfilename member that specifies the desired inputfile name.


inputs.outdir/results.txt : text file
output metrics for each training epoch
inputs.loaddir/ : YOLOv3 network PyTorch save file
checkpoint file for latest network configuration
inputs.loaddir/ : YOLOv3 network PyTorch save file
checkpoint file for best current network configuration
inputs.loaddir/ : YOLOv3 network PyTorch save file
checkpoint file for backup purposes

Main driver script for testing the YOLOv3 network.


args : command line arguments
command line arguments used in shell call for this main driver script. args must have a inputfilename member that specifies the desired inputfile name.


inputs.outdir/metrics.txt : text file
output metrics for specified test image given by inputs.imagepath
inputs.loaddir/<inputs.imagepath>.jpg : jpeg image
test image with detected bounding boxes, classes and confidence scores
inputs.loaddir/<inputs.imagepath>.tif.txt : text file
text file with bounding boxes, classes and confidence scores for all detections