what if that person is YOU, two years after you wrote it?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
t = np.linspace( 0 , 10 , 1000 )
integration_type = 'forward_euler'
dt = t[1] - t[0]
X , P = [] , []
params = [ 10 , 28 , 8./3 ] # sigma , rho , beta
x0 = np.random.uniform( [ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ] )
x = np.zeros( [ len(x0) , len(t) ] )
x[:,0] = x0
if integration_type == 'forward_euler':
for i in range(len(t)-1):
x[0,i+1] = x[0,i] + dt * ( params[0] * ( x[1,i] - x[0,i] ) )
x[1,i+1] = x[1,i] + dt * ( x[0,i] * ( params[1] - x[2,i] ) - x[1,i] )
x[2,i+1] = x[2,i] + dt * ( x[0,i] * x[1,i] - params[2] * x[2,i] )
elif integration_type == 'adams_bashforth':
for i in range(len(t)-1):
f_x = ( params[0] * ( x[1,i] - x[0,i] ) )
f_y = ( x[0,i] * ( params[1] - x[2,i] ) - x[1,i] )
f_z = ( x[0,i] * x[1,i] - params[2] * x[2,i] )
f_xyz = np.array( [ f_x , f_y , f_z ] )
xyz_pred = x[:,i] + dt * f_xyz
f_xPred = ( params[0] * ( xyz_pred[1] - xyz_pred[0] ) )
f_yPred = ( xyz_pred[0] * ( params[1] - xyz_pred[2] ) - xyz_pred[1] )
f_zPred = ( xyz_pred[0] * xyz_pred[1] - params[2] * xyz_pred[2] )
f_xyzPred = np.array( [ f_xPred , f_yPred , f_zPred ] )
x[:,i+1] = xyz_pred + 1.5 * dt * f_xyzPred - 0.5 * dt * f_xyz
elif integration_type == 'rk4':
for i in range(len(t)-1):
f_x = ( params[0] * ( x[1,i] - x[0,i] ) )
f_y = ( x[0,i] * ( params[1] - x[2,i] ) - x[1,i] )
f_z = ( x[0,i] * x[1,i] - params[2] * x[2,i] )
k1 = np.array( [ f_x , f_y , f_z ] )
f_x_k2 = ( params[0] * ( ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k1[1] ) - ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k1[0] ) ) )
f_y_k2 = ( ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k1[0] ) * ( params[1] - ( x[2,i] + dt/2 * k1[2] ) ) - ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k1[1] ) )
f_z_k2 = ( ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k1[0] ) * ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k1[1] ) - params[2] * ( x[2,i] + dt/2 * k1[2] ) )
k2 = np.array( [ f_x_k2 , f_y_k2 , f_z_k2 ] )
f_x_k3 = ( params[0] * ( ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k2[1] ) - ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k2[0] ) ) )
f_y_k3 = ( ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k2[0] ) * ( params[1] - ( x[2,i] + dt/2 * k2[2] ) ) - ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k2[1] ) )
f_z_k3 = ( ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k2[0] ) * ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k2[1] ) - params[2] * ( x[2,i] + dt/2 * k2[2] ) )
k3 = np.array( [ f_x_k3 , f_y_k3 , f_z_k3 ] )
f_x_k4 = ( params[0] * ( ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k3[1] ) - ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k3[0] ) ) )
f_y_k4 = ( ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k3[0] ) * ( params[1] - ( x[2,i] + dt/2 * k3[2] ) ) - ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k3[1] ) )
f_z_k4 = ( ( x[0,i] + dt/2 * k3[0] ) * ( x[1,i] + dt/2 * k3[1] ) - params[2] * ( x[2,i] + dt/2 * k3[2] ) )
k4 = np.array( [ f_x_k4 , f_y_k4 , f_z_k4 ] )
x[:,i+1] = x[:,i] + 1./6 * dt * ( k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4 )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( projection='3d' )
ax.plot3D( x[0] , x[1] , x[2] )
who has a strange affinity for toy dynamical systems, it would seem —
is that the code which implements the time integrator is completely entangled with the code that implements the right-hand side.
This makes it impossible to implement a new right-hand side (Duffing) and "plug it into" your time integrator (e.g., RK4) without either (1) destroying the code you already wrote and replacing it, or (2) duplicating code for the integrator, along with a horror show of even more kludgy "if-else" conditionals to mediate which right-hand side is integrated.
after all, a time integrator exists to integrate a right-hand side.
Recognizing this leads to the second part of the solution: we should link the integrator and right-hand side objects together through composition, which will allow us to implement the loose dependencies we are looking for.
# make the RHS object first, with the parameters needed to define it
rhs = Lorenz( { "sigma" : 10 , "rho" : 28 , "beta" : 8./3 } )
# integrator is composed of a rhs (and possibly other things)
integrator = Forward_Euler( rhs , [ possibly other args ] )
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from integrator import *
from ode_rhs import *
rhs = Lorenz( { "sigma" : 10 , "rho" : 28 , "beta" : 8./3 } )
integrator = Forward_Euler( rhs , dt=0.01 , t_steps=1000 )
x = integrator.solve( np.array( [ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ] ) )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( projection='3d' )
ax.plot3D( x[0] , x[1] , x[2] )
or Forward_Euler
actually work.
That's intentional: the user shouldn't have to care about that.
class Integrator(ABC):
def __init__( self ,
rhs : RHS ,
dt : float ,
t_steps : int ):
Base class for time integrators.
rhs: instance of RHS
dt: float, desired (fixed) time-step
t_steps: int, desired number of time-steps
self._rhs = rhs
self._dt = dt
self._n = t_steps
def solve( self ,
x0 : np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray:
Integrate the ODE forward in time.
x0: np.ndarray, initial state values
2-D numpy array of size (X,T) where X is state dimension and T is number of time steps
is something that owns a RHS
object (to be defined), along with a desired timestep and final integration time.
It also must implement the method Integrator::solve(x0)
, which maps a given initial condition x0
to a matrix containing the solution in time.
And that's it. Perhaps the take-away of this section is how minimal the requirements are for what an Integrator
must do.
Again, these are implementation details and so are someone else's problem to worry about.
(for forward Euler):
class Forward_Euler( Integrator ):
def solve( self ,
x0 : np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray:
x = np.zeros( ( len(x0) , self._n ) )
x[:,0] = x0
for i in range( self._n-1 ):
x[:,i+1] = x[:,i] + self._dt * self._rhs( x[:,i] )
return x
class RHS(ABC):
base class for a right-hand side
def __init__( self , param : Dict[ str , float ] ):
param : dict mapping parameter names to values
self._param = param
def __call__( self ,
x : np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray:
class Lorenz( RHS ):
def __call__( self ,
x : np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray:
x : initial state
example :
>>> params = { "sigma" : 10 , "rho" : 28 , "beta" : 8./3 }
>>> rhs = Lorenz( params )
>>> x0 = np.array( [1,1,1] )
>>> dxdt = rhs( x0 )
f_x = self._param['sigma'] * ( x[1] - x[0] )
f_y = x[0] * ( self._param['rho'] - x[2] ) - x[1]
f_z = x[0] * x[1] - self._param['beta'] * x[2]
return np.array( [ f_x , f_y , f_z ] )